Iowa Craft Beer Tent


July 21st - 27th, 2024

Steps to pick the location that is close to you.
1. Click on the following link to view the map of our 13 locations. Locations are approximate as we may not have all of them secured just yet. VIEW MAP
2. Find a location on the map that is close to where you want to volunteer (Day and if it has a L or P after it).
3. Make note of the date at the bottom of the map and find that date on the volunteer page.
4. Click on "see description" and verify the "shift Notes match the location you would like to volunteer at.
5. If spots are available you can signup for a shift.

NOTE: Locations are approximate and within the shaded circle. Times may be adjusted after RAGBRAI releases their closing times for each town in early July. Detailed addresses will be sent out the week before the event.

What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Mobile Phone *
What size of shirt do you wear? *
Is anyone joining you?